Reading Task 1. Read the passage. For questions 1-5, select the appropriate option A, B, C, or D. Can you imagine

Reading Task 1. Read the passage. For questions 1-5, select the appropriate option A, B, C, or D. Can you imagine if the brain had the ability to restart and replace its withered and damaged cells with new and improved ones? While this may seem like something out of a science fiction novel, scientists are currently investigating the potential of making it a reality. Will our brains eventually be capable of repairing themselves? It is widely recognized that embryonic cells within our developing brains generate new neurons, which are the tiny components that constitute the brain"s tissue. These newly formed neurons then migrate to different areas of the developing brain, contributing to its self-organization.


embryonic cells transform into mature neurons that integrate into the existing neuronal network. However, once our brains reach maturity, the production of new neurons significantly decreases. This led scientists to believe that the brain has limited regenerative capacity.

Recent studies, however, have challenged this notion. Researchers have discovered that certain brain regions do possess the ability to generate new neurons even in adulthood. One such region is the hippocampus, which is responsible for learning and memory. Studies conducted on animals, such as mice, have shown that the hippocampus can generate new neurons throughout the lifespan.

Moreover, scientists have also explored the potential of stimulating neurogenesis, the process of generating new neurons, in other brain regions. They have found that physical exercise, environmental enrichment, and engaging in cognitively stimulating activities promote the production of new neurons in the adult brain.

The findings from these studies give hope that in the future, it might be possible to enhance the brain"s regenerative capacity. If scientists can unravel the mechanisms underlying neurogenesis and develop techniques to stimulate it, it may be feasible to repair damaged brain tissue and improve brain function.

In conclusion, while our brains currently have limited regenerative capacity, ongoing research shows promise for enhancing the brain"s ability to repair itself. The discovery of neurogenesis in adulthood and the identification of factors that promote it provide a foundation for further exploration. Although the idea of the brain regenerating itself may still seem like science fiction, ongoing advancements in neuroscience bring us closer to making it a reality.

1. What is the main focus of the passage?
A. The regenerative capacity of the brain.
B. The limitations of the brain in repairing itself.
C. The importance of embryonic cells in brain development.
D. The potential to enhance brain function through neurogenesis.

2. Why do scientists believe the brain has limited regenerative capacity?
A. The brain stops producing new neurons after reaching maturity.
B. Embryonic cells cannot generate new neurons in mature brains.
C. The brain is incapable of repairing damaged cells.
D. The brain"s regenerative capacity is still a topic of debate.

3. Which brain region is mentioned in the passage as capable of generating new neurons throughout adulthood?
A. The cerebellum.
B. The frontal lobe.
C. The hippocampus.
D. The occipital lobe.

4. What can promote the generation of new neurons in the adult brain?
A. Engaging in physical exercise.
B. Exposing the brain to new environments.
C. Participating in mentally challenging activities.
D. All of the above.

5. What does the passage suggest about the possibility of enhancing the brain"s regenerative capacity?
A. It is unlikely to happen in the near future.
B. It is currently a well-established scientific fact.
C. Ongoing research and advancements may make it possible.
D. It is only possible in certain brain regions.

1. Основной акцент текста?
A. Регенеративная способность мозга.
B. Ограничения мозга в самовосстановлении.
C. Важность эмбриональных клеток в развитии мозга.
D. Возможность улучшения функции мозга через нейрогенез.

2. Почему ученые считают, что у мозга ограниченная регенеративная способность?
A. Мозг перестает производить новые нейроны после достижения зрелости.
B. Эмбриональные клетки не могут генерировать новые нейроны в зрелых мозгах.
C. Мозг неспособен восстанавливать поврежденные клетки.
D. Регенеративная способность мозга все еще является предметом спора.

3. Какая область мозга в тексте упоминается как способная генерировать новые нейроны в течение всей взрослой жизни?
A. Мозжечок.
B. Лобная доля.
C. Гиппокамп.
D. Затылочная доля.

4. Что может способствовать образованию новых нейронов во взрослом мозге?
A. Занятие физическими упражнениями.
B. Изменение среды для мозга.
C. Участие в умственно сложных заданиях.
D. Все вышеперечисленное.

5. Что предполагает текст о возможности улучшения регенеративной способности мозга?
A. Это маловероятно в ближайшем будущем.
B. Это в настоящее время хорошо установленный научный факт.
C. Возможные исследования и достижения могут сделать это возможным.
D. Это возможно только в определенных областях мозга.
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