Reading Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) for questions 1-4. con 5 Jacqui resides with

Reading Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) for questions 1-4. con 5 Jacqui resides with her family on a sheep farm in the remote areas of Australia. The nearest town is located two hundred miles away, therefore, she has to receive her education at home. Occasionally, she attends the school premises once or twice a year, while the rest of the time, the school provides her with educational materials and resources through mail, radio, or the Internet. "Every morning at six o"clock, I feed the chickens and collect their eggs. Afterwards, we have breakfast. Following that, I turn on my computer and check my messages. School begins at eight thirty with"


, I start my daily lessons. My mom helps me with subjects I find difficult, like math and science. We have a designated area in our house for studying, with a desk, shelves for books, and a computer. I have textbooks, workbooks, and online resources that I use to study. I also have access to a teacher who I can email or call if I have any questions. Even though I don"t have classmates, I still participate in virtual discussions and group projects with other homeschooled students. After my lessons, I help out with chores around the farm and spend time with my family. Living on a farm has its challenges, but I wouldn"t trade this unique educational experience for anything."

1. Why does Jacqui receive her education at home?
A) Because she lives far away from the nearest school.
B) Because she prefers studying at home.
C) Because she doesn"t like going to school.
D) Because her parents are teachers.

Ответ: A) Потому что она живет далеко от ближайшей школы. Jacqui получает образование дома потому что ближайший город находится в двухсот милях от ее фермы, и поэтому ей приходится изучать учебный материал дома.

2. Who helps Jacqui with her difficult subjects?
A) Her classmates.
B) Her mom.
C) Her online resources.
D) Her teacher.

Ответ: B) Ее мама. Jacqui получает помощь по сложным предметам от своей мамы. Ее мама помогает ей с математикой и науками.

3. What resources does Jacqui use for studying?
A) Textbooks, workbooks, and online resources.
B) Only textbooks.
C) Only workbooks.
D) Only online resources.

Ответ: A) Учебники, рабочие тетради и электронные ресурсы. Jacqui использует учебники, рабочие тетради и электронные ресурсы для изучения.

4. How does Jacqui interact with other students?
A) She doesn"t interact with other students.
B) She participates in virtual discussions and group projects.
C) She attends the school premises once or twice a year.
D) She calls the teacher if she has any questions.

Ответ: B) Она участвует в виртуальных дискуссиях и групповых проектах. Jacqui участвует в виртуальных обсуждениях и групповых проектах с другими домашними учениками, несмотря на то, что у нее нет одноклассников.
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