Re-read the text and indicate if each statement is true, false, or unknown. 1 Did Huckleberry Finn and Jim

Re-read the text and indicate if each statement is true, false, or unknown. 1 Did Huckleberry Finn and Jim use a steamboat for their travels? 2 Did they solely travel during the night? 3 Did it take them a week to reach St. Louis? 4 Had they previously visited Cairo? 5 Could Jim swim proficiently? 6 Did Huckleberry mistakenly believe that Jim had perished? 7 Did a pack of dogs attack Huckleberry as he attempted to exit the river? 8 Did Huckleberry have a negative opinion of the individuals residing in the wooden house?


1. Верно.
2. Неверно, они путешествовали и днем, и ночью.
3. Неверно, на это учитывалось четыре дня.
4. Неверно, они не посещали Каир раньше.
5. Верно, Джим умел отлично плавать.
6. Верно, вначале Гекльберри ошибочно полагал, что Джим погиб.
7. Неизвестно.
8. Верно, у Гекльберри было негативное мнение о людях, живущих в деревянном доме.
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