Q1: What is another word for insects that are considered to be harmful or annoying? Q2: What is a word that describes

Q1: What is another word for insects that are considered to be harmful or annoying?
Q2: What is a word that describes something that is often seen or found in many places?
Q3: What is the term for a treatment or method used to alleviate or cure a medical condition or psychological problem?
Q4: What is a word that describes a small amount of food that is eaten between meals?
Q5: What is a word that describes something given as a reward or indulgence?
Q6: What is a word that describes something that gives a feeling of fear or disgust?
Q7: What is a word that describes something that is unattractive or not aesthetically pleasing?
Q8: What is a word that describes a place where alcoholic beverages are served?
Q9: What is the name of the largest tropical rainforest in the world?
Q10: What is a cooking method where food is submerged in hot oil until it becomes crispy and golden?


Q1: insects that are considered to be harmful or annoying are commonly referred to as "pests". These insects can cause damage to crops, spread diseases, or be a nuisance in households.

Q2: When something is often seen or found in many places, it can be described as "ubiquitous". This term is used to indicate that something is widespread or commonly encountered in various locations.

Q3: The term for a treatment or method used to alleviate or cure a medical condition or psychological problem is "therapy". Therapy can take different forms, such as physical therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or occupational therapy, depending on the specific condition being addressed.

Q4: A word that describes a small amount of food eaten between meals is "snack". Snacks are typically smaller than regular meals and are consumed to satisfy hunger or provide a quick energy boost.

Q5: When something is given as a reward or indulgence, it can be described as a "treat". This can refer to a special item, activity, or experience that brings pleasure or satisfaction to someone.

Q6: Something that gives a feeling of fear or disgust is described as "repulsive". This term is used to express a strong aversion or revulsion towards something due to its unpleasant or offensive nature.

Q7: Something that is difficult to comprehend, explain, or understand can be described as "complex". This term is often used to refer to intricate or intricate subjects, ideas, or systems that require careful analysis and study to fully grasp.
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