Put the following sentences in the right order by reading the dialogue. Dana: Hello Mr. Barkley. My name is Dana

Put the following sentences in the right order by reading the dialogue.

Dana: Hello Mr. Barkley. My name is Dana. I am currently in grade 9 and have been starting to think about my future career. Can you provide assistance?
Mr. Barkley: Hello Dana. Certainly, I can help you. Assisting students is part of my job. Have you made a decision on what you want to study in university?
Dana: Sadly, I have not.
Mr. Barkley: Alright Dana, let"s begin with discussing your favorite subject in school.
Dana: Let me think. Art is definitely my number one favorite subject. I feel absolutely delighted when I can create something beautiful and unique. As for my second favorite...


Dana: Hello Mr. Barkley. My name is Dana. I am currently in grade 9 and have been starting to think about my future career. Can you provide assistance?

Mr. Barkley: Hello Dana. Certainly, I can help you. Assisting students is part of my job. Have you made a decision on what you want to study in university?

Dana: Sadly, I have not.

Mr. Barkley: Alright Dana, let"s begin with discussing your favorite subject in school.

Dana: Let me think. Art is definitely my number one favorite subject. I feel absolutely delighted when I create and express myself through art.

Mr. Barkley: That"s wonderful, Dana! Art is a fantastic choice. It allows you to channel your creativity and explore different forms of artistic expression. Are you interested in pursuing a career in the arts?

Dana: Yes, I am! I"ve been considering studying Fine Arts or Graphic Design in university.

Mr. Barkley: Great options! Studying Fine Arts will provide you with a solid foundation in various artistic techniques, art history, and aesthetics. On the other hand, Graphic Design focuses on visual communication and using design elements to convey messages effectively. Both paths offer exciting opportunities for a fulfilling career.

Dana: Thank you, Mr. Barkley. I"m excited to explore these options further and see where my passion for art takes me.

Mr. Barkley: You"re welcome, Dana. Remember, it"s important to keep an open mind and continue exploring different fields of study. Don"t be afraid to try new things and discover other subjects that might interest you as well. Good luck on your journey towards your future career!
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