Пожалуйста, предоставьте текст задания из Модуля 3 по чтению на английском языке

Пожалуйста, предоставьте текст задания из Модуля 3 по чтению на английском языке.


Конечно! Вот текст задания из Модуля 3 по чтению на английском языке:

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My Family"s Vacation
Last summer, my family and I went on a vacation to a small island in the Caribbean. We stayed in a beautiful beachfront villa with a stunning view of the ocean. The weather was perfect, with clear blue skies and gentle breezes.

During our vacation, we spent most of our days relaxing on the beach and swimming in the crystal-clear water. The beach was lined with palm trees and had soft, white sand. It was like paradise!

One day, we decided to explore the island and went on a hiking adventure. We discovered lush forests, hidden waterfalls, and breathtaking panoramic views from the mountaintops. It was an incredible experience, and we took many photos to capture the memories.

In the evenings, we would enjoy delicious seafood dinners at local restaurants and watch the beautiful sunset. We also had the opportunity to try some traditional Caribbean dishes, like jerk chicken and plantains. It was a culinary delight!

Overall, our family vacation was a truly memorable experience. We had a fantastic time bonding as a family, exploring nature, and immersing ourselves in the local culture. It was the perfect summer getaway!"

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