Пожалуйста, предоставьте мне текст контрольной работы на английском языке для проверки

Пожалуйста, предоставьте мне текст контрольной работы на английском языке для проверки.


Конечно, вот текст контрольной работы на английском языке:

Part 1 - Grammar

Choose the correct option:

1. My sister _______ to Spain last summer.
a) goes
b) have gone
c) went
d) gone

2. I _______ for two hours when my friend called me.
a) am studying
b) studied
c) have been studying
d) was studying

3. She _______a cake for her birthday party tomorrow.
a) is baking
b) will baking
c) bakes
d) will be baking

4. _______ like to have a cup of tea?
a) Do you
b) Did you
c) Were you
d) Have you

5. I have known him _______ we were in kindergarten.
a) while
b) when
c) until
d) since

Part 2 - Writing

Write an essay of at least 200 words on the following topic: "The Importance of Sports in School"

Part 3 - Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Linda and Sam went to the beach to enjoy the sunny weather. They brought their umbrellas and towels and found a good spot on the sand. Linda was reading a book while Sam played in the water. They both had a great time, and they didn"t want to leave. Finally, when the sun started setting, they gathered their things and headed back home.

1. Where did Linda and Sam go to enjoy the weather?
2. What did they bring with them to the beach?
3. What was Linda doing while Sam played in the water?
4. Did they enjoy their time at the beach?
5. When did they leave the beach?

Part 4 - Vocabulary

Choose the correct synonym for the following words:

1. Enormous
a) Small
b) Large
c) Tiny
d) Big

2. Beautiful
a) Ugly
b) Pretty
c) Unattractive
d) Plain

3. Silent
a) Noisy
b) Quiet
c) Loud
d) Talkative

4. Delicious
a) Tasty
b) Bland
c) Flavorless
d) Yummy

5. Happy
a) Sad
b) Joyful
c) Miserable
d) Unhappy

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