Please underline the correct option: 1) Are you aware of Mark s whereabouts? I have been waiting for him for more than

Please underline the correct option:
1) Are you aware of Mark"s whereabouts? I have been waiting for him for more than an hour, and my patience is starting to wear thin.
2) Pay attention to your path! You are about to fall into that hole.
3) There is someone at the door. Shall I go and check who it is?


1) Are you aware of Mark"s whereabouts? I have been waiting for him for more than an hour, and my patience is starting to wear thin.

The correct option in this sentence is "Are you aware of Mark"s whereabouts?". Both "aware" and "whereabouts" are underlined to emphasize the correct choice.

Explanation: The phrase "are you aware" means "do you have knowledge or information about." The word "whereabouts" refers to the location or position of someone or something. In this sentence, the speaker is asking if the listener knows where Mark is. The other options, "Have you noticed Mark"s whereabouts?" and "Are you conscious of Mark"s whereabouts?" are not correct because they do not accurately convey the intended meaning of the sentence.

2) Pay attention to your path! You are about to fall into that hole.

In this sentence, the word "path" is underlined to indicate the correct option.

Explanation: The term "path" refers to a route or trail along which someone or something moves. In this sentence, the speaker is warning the listener to be cautious and focus on the path they are walking on because there is a hole ahead. The other options, "way" and "road," are not correct because they do not convey the same meaning as "path" in this context.

3) There is someone at the door. Shall I go and check who?

In this sentence, the word "who" is underlined to signify the correct option.

Explanation: The word "who" refers to the person at the door. The question "Shall I go and check who?" is asking if the speaker should verify the identity of the person who is at the door. The other options, "what" and "which," would not fit grammatically and would not convey the intended meaning of the sentence.
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