Please solve variations 1 and 2 of the exams for me. I need to submit them, but I don t understand how to do it

Please solve variations 1 and 2 of the exams for me. I need to submit them, but I don"t understand how to do it (I"ve already been given 3 exams, I have no more strength for this one). ! 1. Use the present simple tense in the following sentences and translate them into the language. 1. Do you like living in England? 2. I don"t go to work on Saturdays. 3. When does this shop open? 4. My friend speaks English. 5. She doesn"t want to stay here. 2. Use the past simple tense in the following sentences and translate them into the language. 1. I finished my course paper two days ago. 2. We didn"t watch TV yesterday. 3. How did you pass your exams? 4. Don didn"t have breakfast.


Конечно, я помогу вам решить эти задачи! Давайте начнем с первой задачи о настоящем простом времени.

1. Do you like living in England?
Ты любишь жить в Англии?

2. I don"t go to work on Saturdays.
Я не хожу на работу по субботам.

3. When does this shop open?
Когда открывается этот магазин?

4. My friend speaks English.
Мой друг говорит по-английски.

5. She doesn"t want to stay here.
Она не хочет оставаться здесь.

А теперь перейдем к второй задаче о прошлом простом времени.

1. I finished my course paper two days ago.
Я закончил свой курсовой проект два дня назад.

2. We didn"t go to the party last night.
Мы не ходили на вечеринку прошлой ночью.

3. Did you visit your grandparents last summer?
Ты посетил своих бабушку и дедушку прошлым летом?

4. She studied French in high school.
Она изучала французский язык в школе.

5. He didn"t play football when he was younger.
Он не играл в футбол, когда был моложе.

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