Please solve the Verb to be Exercise 8. Rewrite with is/are: 1. Are these trousers £30? 2. Is this hat £5? 3

Please solve the Verb to be Exercise 8. Rewrite with is/are: 1. Are these trousers £30? 2. Is this hat £5? 3. Are the socks £3? 4. How much are the shoes? 5. How much is the jacket? Verb to be in Past Simple. Rewrite with was/were: 1. Was Jenny at the party? 2. Was Lumpy quiet yesterday? 3. Were you in Kongo? 4. Were your parents in the local gym yesterday? 5. Was your friend at school yesterday? 6. Were you happy yesterday? Exercise 10. Rewrite with was/were: 1. Was your mum tired yesterday? 2. Were you hungry yesterday evening? 3. Was it cold yesterday? 4. Was your teacher sad yesterday? 5. Was your pet hungry yesterday?


Конечно, я помогу вам с решением этого упражнения по глаголу "to be". Давайте начнем с упражнения 8. Мы должны переписать предложения, используя формы "is" и "are".

1. Эти брюки стоят 30 фунтов? - Are these trousers £30?
2. Эта шляпа стоит 5 фунтов? - Is this hat £5?
3. Эти носки стоят 3 фунта? - Are the socks £3?
4. Сколько стоят эти ботинки? - How much are the shoes?
5. Сколько стоит эта куртка? - How much is the jacket?

Теперь перейдем к упражнению 10. Нам нужно переписать предложения, используя формы "was" и "were".

1. Дженни была на вечеринке? - Was Jenny at the party?
2. Лампи был тихим вчера? - Was Lumpy quiet yesterday?
3. Ты был в Конго? - Were you in Kongo?
4. Твои родители были в местном спортзале вчера? - Were your parents in the local gym yesterday?
5. Был ли твой друг в школе вчера? - Was your friend at school yesterday?
6. Ты был счастливым вчера? - Were you happy yesterday?

Надеюсь, это поможет вам разобраться с глаголом "to be" в настоящем и прошедшем времени. Если у вас есть еще вопросы или у вас возникнут сложности, не стесняйтесь спрашивать.
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