Please select the correct option (A, B, or C) to complete the entry in the diary. Tuesday has been an incredibly

Please select the correct option (A, B, or C) to complete the entry in the diary.

Tuesday has been an incredibly (1) hectic day! Our main focus has been on preparing for the move to our new house. I"ve had to organize my bedroom and pack up all my belongings. This isn"t my first (2) experience with moving, so I"m uncertain about what to expect. I started going through my stuff at 9 am this morning and I"m still not (3) done. We"ve been living in this house for (4) ten years, and during that time I"ve accumulated a significant amount of clutter! I"ve decided to discard some clothes and donate others to charity. Thus far, I"ve already (5) filled up ten bags, and I"m not (6) finished yet. Needless to say, Mum is currently (7) in a foul mood.


Some items, which should help me declutter and make the packing process easier. It"s been quite overwhelming, but I"m determined to get everything sorted out before the moving day. So, here are the options to complete the entry in the diary:

1) A) stressful
B) comfortable
C) peaceful

To complete the sentence in a way that makes sense and matches the context, the correct option is A) stressful. The word "hectic" in the first sentence implies that the day has been very busy and filled with various tasks to complete. "Stressful" accurately conveys the idea of a day full of demanding and tiring activities.

2) A) task
B) event
C) opportunity

To choose the right option, we have to consider the phrase "This isn"t my first (2) experience with moving". The word "experience" suggests that the person has gone through moving before and it is not their first time. Therefore, the correct option is A) task. Moving is not an event or opportunity but a task or activity that involves organizing and packing belongings.

3) A) finished
B) started
C) worried

Looking at the phrase "I started going through my stuff at 9 am this morning and I"m still not (3) done", we need to choose an option that shows progress or completion. The most suitable option here is A) finished. It implies that the process of going through the stuff has not been completed yet.

4) A) three
B) five
C) ten

Considering the sentence "We"ve been living in this house for (4) ten years", we need to select the option that correctly represents the number of years the person has been living in the house. The correct option is C) ten.

By selecting the correct options, the completed entry in the diary would look like this:
Tuesday has been an incredibly stressful day! Our main focus has been on preparing for the move to our new house. I"ve had to organize my bedroom and pack up all my belongings. This isn"t my first task with moving, so I"m uncertain about what to expect. I started going through my stuff at 9 am this morning and I"m still not finished. We"ve been living in this house for ten years, and during that time I"ve accumulated a significant amount of clutter! I"ve decided to discard some clothes and donate some items, which should help me declutter and make the packing process easier. It"s been quite overwhelming, but I"m determined to get everything sorted out before the moving day.
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