Please provide the sentences that you would like me to complete using the present simple or present continuous tense

Please provide the sentences that you would like me to complete using the present simple or present continuous tense.


Конечно! Вот несколько предложений, в которых нужно использовать настоящее простое (present simple) или настоящее продолженное время (present continuous):

1. I usually (go) to the park on Sundays, but today I (stay) at home because it"s raining.
2. My sister (study) psychology at university. She (want) to become a therapist.
3. Look! The dog (chase) its tail. It (always do) that when it"s excited.
4. We (have) a great time at the party last night. Everyone (dance) and (laugh) a lot.
5. Listen! Can you hear that? The teacher (explain) the lesson to the students.
6. My parents (work) in a hospital. My dad is a doctor and my mom (be) a nurse.
7. I usually (read) books before bedtime, but this week I (watch) a TV series instead.
8. Look at the sky! The sun (shine) brightly and birds (fly) high up in the air.
9. Sarah (play) the piano very well. She (practice) every day for hours.
10. We (not have) any classes next week because it"s the school holidays.

Надеюсь, эти предложения помогут тебе понять, когда нужно использовать настоящее простое и настоящее продолженное время. Если у тебя возникнут вопросы или нужна дополнительная помощь, не стесняйся задавать!
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