Please generate a conversation for 2-3 minutes based on the provided questions. Choose card 1. In pairs, each person

Please generate a conversation for 2-3 minutes based on the provided questions. Choose card 1. In pairs, each person should take a card and engage in a conversation by answering the questions provided. You have 1 minute to brainstorm ideas and the conversation should last for 2-3 minutes. Card 1: Engage in a conversation by answering the following questions. You have 1 minute to prepare and should speak for 2-3 minutes. 1. Describe the meaning of the book"s title. 2. Which category or genre do you believe the book belongs to? 3. What do you speculate is the author"s intention? 4. Highlight something that you found enjoyable in the book.


Карточка 1:
1. Опиши значение названия книги.
2. К какой категории или жанру книги ты думаешь она относится?
3. Как ты думаешь, какую цель преследует автор?
4. Выделите
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