Please complete the gaps by selecting words from the right column. Exercise 31 in your Student s Book, Part 2, on page

Please complete the gaps by selecting words from the right column. Exercise 31 in your Student"s Book, Part 2, on page 54 will be useful. You will find one extra word. (Пожалуйста, заполните пропуски, выбирая слова из правой колонки. Задание 31 в вашем Учебнике, Часть 2, на странице 54 будет полезным. Вам предложено одно лишнее слово.) Учебник: Английский Язык "Forward" (7 класс) 1. territory 2. streets 3. stunning 4. bustling neighborhood 5. via boat 6. region 7. encounter 8. renowned 9. present 10. attractions 11. isle 12. well-known 13. timetable 14. performance 15. friendly 16. sculpture 17. accompanied trip 18. visitors 19. trendy art galleries 20. halt


Раздел 31 в Учебнике "Forward" на странице 54, предлагает нам заполнить пропуски, выбирая слова из правой колонки. В данном упражнении нам даны следующие слова: territory, streets, stunning, bustling neighborhood, via boat, region, encounter, renowned, present, attractions, isle, well-known, timetable, performance, friendly, sculpture. Нам необходимо правильно подобрать слова для заполнения каждого пропуска.

1. The city of Venice is located in the northeastern part of Italy and occupies the ______ (territory) stretching across a group of small islands.
2. As you stroll through the narrow ______ (streets) of Venice, you will be amazed by the incredible architecture.
3. Venice is famous for its ______ (stunning) beauty, with its magnificent palaces and canals.
4. San Marco is a ______ (bustling neighborhood) in Venice, famous for its lively atmosphere and numerous shops.
5. You can explore the city ______ (via boat), taking a gondola ride or a vaporetto.
6. Venice is located in the Veneto ______ (region), which is in the northeastern part of Italy.
7. During your visit, you might ______ (encounter) friendly locals who are always willing to help.
8. Venice is ______ (renowned) for its rich history and cultural heritage.
9. The city offers a wide range of ______ (attractions), including famous landmarks such as the Rialto Bridge and the Doge"s Palace.
10. Murano is a small ______ (isle) near Venice, known for its glass-making tradition.
11. The Carnival of Venice is a ______ (well-known) event, attracting visitors from all over the world.
12. Make sure to check the ______ (timetable) for the local vaporetto, as it can be a convenient way to get around the city.
13. There are often street musicians and artists giving ______ (performances) in the squares of Venice.
14. Venice is known for being a ______ (friendly) city, welcoming tourists with open arms.
15. The city is also home to many beautiful ______ (sculptures) and works of art.
16. The city of Venice presents a unique combination of history, art, and culture, making it a truly special place to visit.

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