Match the following words in bold to their corresponding definitions. Then create sentences using these words. false

Match the following words in bold to their corresponding definitions. Then create sentences using these words.

false: not true or accurate
comato: in a state of deep unconsciousness
3: the number that comes after two
influences: factors that affect or shape something
concentrate: to focus or give attention to something
comments: opinions or remarks made about something
develops: to grow or progress over time

Sentence examples:
1. The article contained false information, misleading readers.
2. After a serious injury, he fell into a comatose condition and remained unconscious for weeks.
3. The exam has 3 different sections, each covering a specific topic.
4. The opinions of friends and family often serve as significant influences when making important decisions.
5. In order to solve this complex problem, we need to concentrate our efforts on gathering more data.
6. She appreciated the positive comments about her artwork, which motivated her to continue painting.
7. He continually develops his skills through continuous learning and practice.


. После двух идет число три.
4. External influences such as family, friends, and media can greatly impact a person"s decisions.
5. In order to succeed in school, it"s important to concentrate on your studies and avoid distractions.
6. The teacher left some comments on my essay, suggesting areas for improvement.
7. Through hard work and dedication, she develops her skills and talents over time. Возможно, изначальное предложение описывало некий развивающийся процесс. Anyway, пожалуйста! Я буду рад помочь тебе с другими вопросами или задачами! 😊
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