Many Russian individuals have a plot of land out in the countryside, which is called a dacha . There is often a small

Many Russian individuals have a plot of land out in the countryside, which is called a "dacha". There is often a small house there where they can unwind or cultivate fruits and vegetables in the garden. Dachas are typically located a few kilometers outside the city. Dachas have been highly popular for a long time, therefore on Friday evening and Saturday morning, thousands of vehicles including cars, buses, and local trains transport.



Дачи — это участки земли, которые принадлежат многим российским гражданам и расположены за городом, обычно на небольшом расстоянии от него. На дачах зачастую есть небольшие домики, где люди отдыхают или занимаются выращиванием фруктов и овощей. Они пользуются большой популярностью уже длительное время. Из-за этого по пятницам вечером и субботам утром тысячи автомобилей, включая легковые машины, автобусы и пригородные поезда, перевозят людей туда.

Dachas are plots of land owned by many Russian citizens and are located outside the city, usually a short distance away. There are often small houses on the dachas, where people can rest or cultivate fruits and vegetables. They have been highly popular for a long time. Because of this, on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, thousands of vehicles, including cars, buses, and local trains, transport people there.
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