Какие глаголы отсутствуют в тексте: ? Could you fill in the missing verbs in the text? - the educational system

Какие глаголы отсутствуют в тексте: ?

Could you fill in the missing verbs in the text?

- the educational system in Britain [was] developed over more than a hundred years.
- the national education act of 1944 [established] three stages of education: primary, secondary, and further education.
- compulsory education [begins] at five, with children learning at infant schools.
- at seven, children [start] attending junior schools.
- after a child [passes] the eleven-plus examination (special tests), they may study at the secondary school.
- further education [can be pursued] in academic or vocational fields.
- it is not free but [various types of grants and scholarships] are given to students.


и vocational colleges. - universities [offer] higher education in various fields of study. - students [can] choose to specialize in specific subjects. - the curriculum [includes] a wide range of subjects such as mathematics, science, languages, history, and art. - teachers [play] a crucial role in guiding and educating students. - students [are encouraged] to participate in extracurricular activities to develop their skills and interests. - examinations [are conducted] to assess students" knowledge and understanding of the subjects. - students [receive] grades based on their performance in these examinations. - the educational system [aims] to provide students with a well-rounded education and prepare them for future careers and further studies.

Ответы: was, established, begins, start, passes, can be pursued, offer, can, includes, play, are encouraged, are conducted, receive, aims.

В данном тексте отсутствуют следующие глаголы: was, established, begins, start, passes, can be pursued, offer, can, includes, play, are encouraged, are conducted, receive, aims.
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