IV. Infinitive 1 Rewrite the sentences using the Infinitive. 1) Would my friend rather take a tea break? 2

IV. Infinitive 1 Rewrite the sentences using the Infinitive. 1) Would my friend rather take a tea break? 2) Did we anticipate him being on time? 3) Did my parents agree to plan a picnic on Sunday? 4) Did Jane and Helen decide to go diving even though the water was cold? 5) Did our companions plan to go speed skiing in the Alps? 6) Were we happy to see our new friends again? 7) Were the firefighters fortunate to escape from the burning building? 8) Do my colleagues always have a willingness to assist each other if needed? 9) Did Janis use to spend holidays at the seaside windsurfing? 10) Was the dog smart enough not to cross the busy road?



1) Would my friend rather take a tea break? - Было ли бы лучше для моего друга взять перерыв на чай?

2) Did we anticipate him being on time? - Мы предполагали, что он придет вовремя.

3) Did my parents agree to plan a picnic on Sunday? - Согласились ли мои родители запланировать пикник в воскресенье?

4) Did Jane and Helen decide to go diving even though the water was cold? - Решили ли Джейн и Хелен пойти подводное плавание, несмотря на холодную воду?

5) Did our companions plan to go speed skiing in the Alps? - Планировали ли наши спутники отправиться на горные лыжи в Альпы?

6) Were we happy to see our new friends again? - Мы были рады снова видеть наших новых друзей.

7) Were the firefighters fortunate to escape from the burning building? - Были ли пожарные счастливы спастись из горящего здания?

8) Do my colleagues always have a willingness to assist each other if needed? - Всегда ли мои коллеги готовы помочь друг другу, если нужно?

9) Did Janis use to spend holidays at the seaside windsurfing? - Раньше Янис часто проводил отпуска на море, занимаясь виндсерфингом.
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