It is inhumane that animals kept for their fur have short and miserable lives. It may be difficult to understand

It is inhumane that animals kept for their fur have short and miserable lives. It may be difficult to understand the connection between these two things, but my sister is very poor, so she avoids buying fur products. Those who avoid supporting this industry are the ones who are innovative. Fill in the blanks: 1. happy 2. connection 3. image 4. response 5. lead. 2. Rearrange the words: 1. I forgot meeting him. 2. Some species of animals are hunted for fur and are endangered. 3. Octopuses have a very complex nervous system. 4. A camel can survive longer without water than a rat can. 5. These types of brain have no better response than the others.


It is inhumane that animals kept for their fur have short and miserable lives. It may be difficult to understand the connection between these two things, but my sister is very poor, so she avoids buying fur products. Those who avoid supporting this industry are the ones who are innovative.

1. happy - счастливый
2. connection - связь
3. image - образ
4. response - отклик, реакция
5. lead - приводить, вести

Переставьте слова:

1. I forgot meeting him. - Я забыл встречу с ним.
2. Some species of animals are hunted for fur and are endangered. - Некоторые виды животных охотятся ради меха и находятся под угрозой исчезновения.
3. Octopuses have a very complex nervous system. - Осьминоги имеют очень сложную нервную систему.
4. A camel can survive longer without water than a rat can. - Верблюд может выжить без воды дольше, чем крыса.
5. These - Эти.

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