Is the size of the red ball larger than the size of the blue ball? Is the length of the red ball greater than

Is the size of the red ball larger than the size of the blue ball?
Is the length of the red ball greater than the length of the blue ball?
Is the age of the red ball newer than the age of the blue ball?
Is the age of the red ball younger than the age of the blue ball?
Is the size of the red ball bigger than the size of the blue ball?
Is the size of the red ball smaller than the size of the blue ball?
Is the blue ball more modern than the red ball?
Is the red ball older than the blue ball?
Is the temperature of the red ball warmer than the temperature of the blue ball?
Is the red ball taller than the blue ball?
Is the blue ball shorter than the red ball?
Is the red ball more funny than the blue ball?
Is the blue ball more boring than the red ball?
Is the red ball cleaner than the blue ball?
Is the blue ball dirtier than the red ball?
Is the red ball happier than the blue ball?
Is the blue ball sadder than the red ball?
Is the red ball better than the blue ball?
Is the blue ball worse than the red ball?


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