Insert. Read the passage about the future of television and complete the text by using the words from the box

Insert. Read the passage about the future of television and complete the text by using the words from the box. THE FUTURE OF TELEVISION In the future, television is likely to disappear altogether. I believe television will cease to exist. We will utilize a computer and select the programs that we desire to view. The computer will subsequently receive the program from another computer, possibly situated on the opposite side of the globe. We will have the ability to inform the computer about our preferred types of content (such as genres of films, series, documentaries, etc.), and the computer will scour for those programs and then provide us with a range of options to choose from.


will use this information to recommend and personalize the programs we watch. This personalized recommendation system will enhance our viewing experience by suggesting content based on our individual preferences. Additionally, with the advancement of technology, virtual reality (VR) may become a common feature in the future of television. Users will be able to immerse themselves in a virtual world and directly interact with the content they are watching. This will revolutionize the way we experience television, making it more immersive and engaging. Furthermore, the future of television may also include the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). AI algorithms will be able to analyze our viewing habits and patterns, allowing the computer to predict our preferences and suggest new programs accordingly. This will save us time and effort in searching for suitable content. Moreover, AI can also help in creating personalized advertisements, tailoring them to our individual interests and needs. With this level of personalization and interactivity, television will no longer be a passive form of entertainment but a dynamic and interactive medium. In conclusion, the future of television is likely to be a blend of personalized content, virtual reality experiences, and artificial intelligence. These advancements will transform television into a more tailored and immersive form of entertainment, enhancing our viewing experience and revolutionizing the way we consume media.
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