In a few moments, a girl of fifteen informed Mr. Nuttel that his aunt would be joining him shortly and she guided

In a few moments, a girl of fifteen informed Mr. Nuttel that his aunt would be joining him shortly and she guided him into the sitting room. Mr. Nuttel, a young artist who had recently experienced a nervous breakdown, had been advised by doctors to take a vacation. They cautioned him against busy tourist destinations and recommended a peaceful countryside retreat for complete relaxation. Following this advice, he found himself in a small village, armed with letters of introduction from his sister to individuals she was acquainted with. "You will find some pleasant people there," his sister had advised him. "I suggest you pay them a visit."


said, "and it will be a good opportunity for you to practice your painting skills."

As Mr. Nuttel sat in the sitting room, he felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. He was hoping to meet friendly and understanding people in the village who would make his vacation enjoyable and peaceful. Suddenly, the door opened, and a middle-aged woman entered. She introduced herself as Mrs. Sappleton, Mr. Nuttel"s aunt.

Mrs. Sappleton warmly welcomed her nephew and made some polite conversation. However, Mr. Nuttel"s nerves got the best of him, and he began to feel uneasy in her presence. Wanting to divert his attention, Mr. Nuttel looked out the window and noticed a vast open countryside.

Trying to ease his anxiety, Mr. Nuttel mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation with Mrs. Sappleton about her home and the village. She spoke fondly of the countryside, the hunting season, and her husband and brothers who were out hunting on that very day. Mrs. Sappleton mentioned that they often go hunting and are quite passionate about it.

Feeling somewhat relieved, Mr. Nuttel engaged in the discussion and expressed his interest in nature, wildlife, and outdoor activities. Mrs. Sappleton seemed pleased and continued talking about her family"s hunting expeditions, describing the beauty of the landscape and the thrill of the chase.

As Mrs. Sappleton passionately narrated her stories, Mr. Nuttel began to feel a sense of unease again. The detailed descriptions of the hunting excursions triggered his anxiety, reminding him of his own recent breakdown. He started to imagine grotesque images of hunted animals and the potential dangers that could await him during his time in the countryside.

Panicking, Mr. Nuttel quickly fabricated an excuse, claiming that he had a severe fear and aversion to dogs. He concocted a story about having been chased by a pack of dogs in the past and the lasting trauma it caused him. He hoped that this excuse would allow him to avoid any potential encounters with hunting dogs during his stay.

Mrs. Sappleton, unaware of Mr. Nuttel"s breakdown and his fear of dogs, reassured him that there was nothing to worry about. She informed him that their family dog, which was a harmless and friendly creature, had been killed a few years ago. Mrs. Sappleton assured Mr. Nuttel that he would not come across any dogs during his visit.

Relieved by her response, Mr. Nuttel let out a deep breath and felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He felt grateful for Mrs. Sappleton"s understanding and for the absence of hunting dogs in the area. The realization that his fears were unfounded brought him a sense of calm and reassurance.

As the conversation continued, Mr. Nuttel felt a newfound comfort with his aunt. He realized that his initial anxiety was baseless and that his doctor"s advice to seek a peaceful retreat in the countryside was indeed beneficial.

In conclusion, Mr. Nuttel"s nervous breakdown led him to visit a tranquil countryside village, where he was greeted by his aunt, Mrs. Sappleton. Although plagued by anxiety at first, Mr. Nuttel found solace in the absence of hunting dogs and in his aunt"s understanding nature. This encounter marked the beginning of his journey towards finding peace and recovery during his vacation. By facing his fears and challenging his anxieties, Mr. Nuttel started to regain confidence in himself and his ability to enjoy life once again.
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