I. Complete the sentences by using the appropriate preposition from the box. 1 Jenny has never complained about Arnold

I. Complete the sentences by using the appropriate preposition from the box.

1 Jenny has never complained about Arnold coming home late.
2 I don"t want to prevent Gerald from buying a new computer.
3 I know my sister is dreaming of receiving a bunch of flowers from Ted.
4 Why are you blaming June for spending so much money on electronic gadgets? It"s your fault. You have given her that sum.
5 Thanks for coming. We have been missing you so much.
6 Don"t even try to stop him from going to Cornwall. He won"t listen.
7 I would like to apologize for Tom"s coming so late.
8 They have been talking about moving to the country for several.


1 Jenny has never complained about Arnold coming home late.
Йенни никогда не жаловалась на то, что Арнольд приходит домой поздно.

2 I don"t want to prevent Gerald from buying a new computer.
Я не хочу мешать Джеральду купить новый компьютер.

3 I know my sister is dreaming of receiving a bunch of flowers from Ted.
Я знаю, что моя сестра мечтает получить букет цветов от Теда.

4 Why are you blaming June for spending so much money on electronic gadgets? It"s your fault. You have given her that sum.
Почему ты обвиняешь Джун в том, что она тратит так много денег на электронные гаджеты? Это твоя вина. Ты дал ей эту сумму.

5 Thanks for coming. We have been missing you so much.
Спасибо за то, что пришли. Мы сильно скучали по тебе.

6 Don"t even try to stop him from going to Cornwall. He won"t listen.
Даже не пытайся остановить его от поездки в Корнуолл. Он не будет слушать.

7 I would like to apologize for Tom"s coming so late.
Я хотел бы извиниться за то, что Том пришел так поздно.

8 They have been talking
Они разговаривали.
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