Hurry up! Insert have or has. You have helped your mother. I have drawn a picture. My mother has made a pudding

Hurry up! Insert "have" or "has." You have helped your mother. I have drawn a picture. My mother has made a pudding. My father has repainted the cupboard. My parents have cleaned the carpet. The friends have drawn a poster. We have repainted the door. They have washed the dishes. Open the brackets and put the verb in present perfect. John has painted two pictures. Jill has fed her hamster. The children have played computer games. I have opened the window. She has done her homework. He has made animals from clay. Open the brackets using present perfect. Have you roller-skated? Has Jack watched TV? Have your friends bought gifts? Has Jane swum in the river?


фильмы? Have they traveled to Europe? Have we finished our homework? Have you ever visited the Eiffel Tower? Has she read that book before? Have you ever eaten sushi? Have they seen the new exhibition at the museum? Have we won the game? Have you ever flown in a hot air balloon? Has he tried the new restaurant in town?
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