Fill in the blanks with words from the list, putting them in the correct grammatical form. Valuable Paintings Missing

- Fill in the blanks with words from the list, putting them in the correct grammatical form.

Valuable Paintings Missing from Art Gallery
Several valuable paintings have been stolen from Mercers Art Gallery. The act of stealing is suspected to have been done by two thieves. Currently, a man has been questioned by police, although he is not considered a suspect. It is believed that the man has already purchased one of the stolen artwork pieces from the thieves. Forensic scientists are analyzing evidence in order to assist in solving the crime. DNA evidence has been collected from the Art Gallery and it is being analyzed at the moment. There is hope that the police will be able to solve the crime with the help of the evidence.


Несколько ценных картин были украдены из галереи искусства Мерсерс. Подозревается, что кражу совершили два вора. В настоящее время один мужчина проходит допрос у полиции, однако он не считается подозреваемым. Предполагается, что мужчина уже приобрел одну из украденных произведений искусства у воров. Криминалисты анализируют доказательства, чтобы помочь в раскрытии преступления. Из улик удалось собрать ДНК материал от.

To fill in the blanks, we need to use words from the given list and ensure that they are in the correct grammatical form. The list of words we have is: "материал", "украденные", "галереи", "полиции", "украденных", "художественных", "участниками".

The sentence before the blank states that DNA evidence has been collected. So, the correct word to use is "материал" (evidence).

The sentence after the blank mentions that the evidence has been collected "от" (from). Therefore, the complete sentence would be:

"DНК материал был собран от."
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