Exercise 7. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1. Can I see John?

Exercise 7. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. Can I see John? - I"m afraid not. He has gone to Moscow. - When did he leave? - Two days ago.
2. Have you done this exercise yet? - No, I have only translated 10 sentences.
3. Have you passed all the exams already? - No, we have only passed two. - How many exams did you take in a year? - Five.
4. Why is Anya so sad? - She has had a fight with Nick. - Good Lord, how many times have they fought this month? - I think many times.
5. How did you spend the winter holidays? - Very well. On December 31st, we had a New Year"s party.


Exercise 7. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

1. Can I see John? - I"m afraid not. He has gone to Moscow. - When did he leave? - Two days ago.

Могу ли я увидеть Джона? - К сожалению, нет. Он уехал в Москву. - Когда он уехал? - Два дня назад.

2. Have you done this exercise yet? - No, I have only translated 10 sentences.

Вы уже сделали это упражнение? - Нет, я только перевел 10 предложений.

3. Have you passed all the exams already? - No, we have only passed two. - How many exams did you take in a year? - Five.

Вы уже сдали все экзамены? - Нет, мы сдали только два. - Сколько экзаменов вы сдаете за год? - Пять.

4. Why is Anya so sad? - She has had a fight with Nick. - Good Lord, how many times have they fought this month? - I think many times.

Почему Аня такая грустная? - У нее была ссора с Ником. - Боже мой, сколько раз они ссорились в этом месяце? - Думаю, много раз.

5. How did you spend the winter holidays? - Very well. On December 31st, I went to a party with my friends. Then, on January 1st, I visited my grandparents.

Как вы провели зимние каникулы? - Очень хорошо. 31 декабря я пошел на вечеринку с друзьями. Затем, 1 января, я навестил своих бабушку и дедушку.

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