Exercise 3. Find English equivalents for the following terms in the text:(IN WRITING) 1. field of application 2. fixed

Exercise 3. Find English equivalents for the following terms in the text:(IN WRITING) 1. field of application 2. fixed sequence of operations 3. automatic assembly machines 4. specific chemical processes 5. numerically controlled machine 6. production downtime 7. diverse range of products


Exercise 3. Найдите английские эквиваленты для следующих терминов в тексте: (НАПИШИТЕ) 1. область применения, 2. фиксированная последовательность операций, 3. автоматические сборочные машины, 4. конкретные химические процессы, 5. машина с числовым управлением, 6. простой в производстве, 7. разнообразный ассортимент продуктов.

1. Field of application - область применения: This term refers to the specific area or domain where something can be used or applied. It represents the range of situations, contexts, or industries where a particular concept, product, or technology finds its use and relevance.

2. Fixed sequence of operations - фиксированная последовательность операций: This phrase indicates a predetermined or unchanging order in which a series of tasks or actions must be carried out. It implies that the operations are arranged in a specific and consistent manner to achieve a desired outcome.

3. Automatic assembly machines - автоматические сборочные машины: These machines are designed to automatically perform the task of assembling components or parts to create a finished product. They eliminate or minimize the need for manual labor by utilizing automated mechanisms and processes.

4. Specific chemical processes - конкретные химические процессы: This term refers to particular procedures or operations in the field of chemistry. It implies that there are distinct and well-defined steps or reactions involved in achieving a chemical transformation or obtaining a desired chemical product.

5. Numerically controlled machine - машина с числовым управлением: This term represents a machine or device that is controlled and operated using numerical instructions or commands. It refers to a computer-based control system where precise movements or operations are executed based on numeric coordinates or parameters.

6. Production downtime - простой в производстве: This phrase refers to the period or duration during which a production process or machine is non-operational or inactive. It represents the time when production is temporarily halted or interrupted, often due to maintenance, equipment failure, or other unforeseen factors.

7. Diverse range of products - разнообразный ассортимент продуктов: This phrase signifies a wide variety or assortment of products. It suggests that there is a broad selection or range of different items or goods available, each possessing unique characteristics, features, or specifications.
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