Exercise 202 Rewrite the sentences, using verbs in one of the following tenses: Present Continuous, Present Simple

Exercise 202 Rewrite the sentences, using verbs in one of the following tenses: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple, or Future Simple. 1. Am I correct in thinking that Nellie will be leaving for Moscow tomorrow? 2. I am currently in a rush. Are my friends waiting for me? 3. Were you at the theater yesterday? Did you enjoy the opera? - Yes, I really liked it. 4. We are anticipating that you will go to London next summer. 5. Her English is not excellent, but she is working on it. 6. They did not know what to think a week ago. 7. She is currently very worried, but the problems aren"t severe.


Конечно, вот подробные пошаговые решения для каждого задания:

1. Am I correct in thinking that Nellie will be leaving for Moscow tomorrow?
Я правильно подумываю, что Нелли уедет в Москву завтра?
Подходящее время - Future Simple
Перепишем предложение: Do you think that Nellie will leave for Moscow tomorrow?

2. I am currently in a rush. Are my friends waiting for me?
Я сейчас тороплюсь. Мои друзья ждут меня?
Подходящее время - Present Continuous, Present Simple
Перепишем предложение: Am I currently in a rush? Are my friends waiting for me?

3. Were you at the theater yesterday? Did you enjoy the opera? - Yes, I really liked it.
Ты был в театре вчера? Тебе понравилась опера? - Да, мне очень понравилось.
Подходящее время - Past Simple, Past Simple
Перепишем предложение: Did you go to the theater yesterday? Did you enjoy the opera? - Yes, I really liked it.

4. We are anticipating that you will go to London next summer.
Мы предвкушаем, что ты поедешь в Лондон следующим летом.
Подходящее время - Present Continuous, Future Simple
Перепишем предложение: We are anticipating that you will be going to London next summer.

5. Her English is not excellent, but she is working on it.
Ее английский не превосходный, но она над ним работает.
Подходящее время - Present Simple, Present Continuous
Перепишем предложение: Her English isn"t excellent, but she is working on it.

6. They did not know what to think a week ago.
Они не знали, во что верить неделю назад.
Подходящее время - Past Simple
Перепишем предложение: They didn"t know what to think a week ago.

7. She is currently very worried, but the problems aren"t.
Она сейчас очень взволнована, но проблемы таковыми не являются.
Подходящее время - Present Continuous, Present Simple
Перепишем предложение: She is currently being very worried, but the problems aren"t.

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