Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences in negative and interrogative forms. 1. Hasn t she read all the books in her library?

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences in negative and interrogative forms.
1. Hasn"t she read all the books in her library?
2. Haven"t I seen any of Shaw"s plays?
3. Hadn"t Pete graduated from the university by that time?
4. Won"t we have done our shopping by the evening?
5. Won"t he have seen anything of London by the weekend?
6. Won"t they have come to the Crimea by July 10?
7. Won"t she have finished school by that time?
8. Haven"t I been to the cinema this week?
9. Hasn"t my sister written me a letter?
10. Hadn"t we often had rains here before you came?
11. Won"t my sister have passed her exams by the end of January?
12. Won"t they have gone on a vacation next week?


Exercise 2: Перепишите предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме.

1. Она не прочитала все книги в своей библиотеке?
-Has she not read all the books in her library?
-Has she not read all the books in her library?

2. Я не видел ни одной пьесы Шоу?
-Have I not seen any of Shaw"s plays?
-Have I not seen any of Shaw"s plays?

3. Питер не закончил университет к тому времени?
-Hadn"t Pete graduated from the university by that time?
-Hadn"t Pete graduated from the university by that time?

4. Мы не закончим дела по покупкам к вечеру?
-Won"t we have done our shopping by the evening?
-Won"t we have done our shopping by the evening?

5. Он не увидит ничего из Лондона к выходным?
-Won"t he have seen anything of London by the weekend?
-Won"t he have seen anything of London by the weekend?

6. Они не приедут в Крым к 10 июля?
-Won"t they have come to the Crimea by July 10?
-Won"t they have come to the Crimea by July 10?

7. Она не закончит школу к тому времени?
-Won"t she have finished school by that time?
-Won"t she have finished school by that time?

8. Я не был в кино на этой неделе?
-Haven"t I been to the cinema this week?
-Haven"t I been to the cinema this week?

9. Моя сестра не написала мне письмо?
-Hasn"t my sister written me a letter?
-Hasn"t my sister written me a letter?

10. Мы часто здесь имели дожди до того, как вы пришли?
-Hadn"t we often had rains here before you came?
-Hadn"t we often had rains here before you came?

11. Моя сестра не сдаст экзамены к концу года?
-Won"t my sister have passed the exams by the end of the year?
-Won"t my sister have passed the exams by the end of the year?

Я надеюсь, что эти изменения помогут вам лучше понять отрицательную и вопросительную форму предложений в английском языке. Если у вас возникнут еще вопросы, не стесняйтесь задавать их. Я буду рад помочь!
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