Exercise 2. Identify the verbs in the past simple tense. During the summer, I paid a visit to my grandparents

Exercise 2. Identify the verbs in the past simple tense. During the summer, I paid a visit to my grandparents. We ventured into the forest, took a swim in the river, went fishing, engaged in reading books, attended the cinema, and spent a considerable amount of time watching TV. Furthermore, I paid a visit to my friends, played football, enjoyed music, labored in the fields, went boating, and had a delightful experience. I harvested berries and mushrooms, as well as relaxed on the sandy beach.


В данном упражнении необходимо найти глаголы в прошедшем простом времени. Давайте рассмотрим предложение по частям и выделим эти глаголы:

1. During the summer, I paid a visit to my grandparents. (летом я навестил своих бабушку и дедушку)
- paid (оплачивал)

2. We ventured into the forest, took a swim in the river, went fishing, engaged in reading books, attended the cinema, and spent a considerable amount of time watching TV. (мы отправились в лес, поплавали в реке, пошли на рыбалку, занимались чтением книг, посетили кинотеатр и провели значительное количество времени, смотря телевизор)
- ventured (отправлялись)
- took (брали)
- went (пошли)
- engaged (занимались)
- attended (посетили)
- spent (провели)
- watching (смотря)

3. Furthermore, I paid a visit to my friends, played football, enjoyed music, labored in the fields, went boating, and had a delightful experience. (более того, я навестил своих друзей, поиграл в футбол, наслаждался музыкой, трудился на полях, ходил на лодке и получил удовольствие)
- paid (оплачивал)
- played (играл)
- enjoyed (наслаждался)
- labored (трудился)
- went (пошел)
- had (получил)

4. I harvested berries and mushrooms, as well as relaxed on the sandy beach. (я собирал ягоды и грибы, а также отдыхал на песчаном пляже)
- harvested (собирал)
- relaxed (отдыхал)

Таким образом, глаголы в прошедшем простом времени в данном тексте: paid, ventured, took, went, engaged, attended, spent, watching, played, enjoyed, labored, had, harvested и relaxed.
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