Exercise 16. Learn about the distinctions between civil and criminal law. Complete the sentences by converting

Exercise 16. Learn about the distinctions between civil and criminal law. Complete the sentences by converting the verbs in brackets into passive voice. CIVIL LAW COMPARED TO CRIMINAL LAW The meaning of civil law is not always associated with a legal tradition. It can also be contrasted with criminal law. In this context, civil law is concerned with non-criminal matters, such as a violation of a contract. A civil case involves individuals in a conflict and typically concludes with a monetary compensation. On the other hand, criminal law is the field of law that deals with crimes and their punishments. Criminal cases involve the consideration of crimes and


sorazmeriyami veya faydaları. Bu nedenle, cevapta cevirmenlere gelene kadar pasif ses kullanmanız isteniyor. Şimdi soruyu çözelim:

1. A civil case involves individuals in a conflict and typically concludes with a monetary compensation.
- Bir sivil davada bireyler çatışmada yer alır ve genellikle bir para tazminatı ile sonuçlanır.
- Bireylerin çatışmada yer aldığı ve genellikle bir para tazminatı ile sonuçlandığı bir sivil davada yer alınır.

2. Civil law is concerned with non-criminal matters, such as a violation of a contract.
- Civil law is concerned with non-criminal matters, such as a violation of a contract.
- Sivil hukuk, bir sözleşme ihlali gibi cezai olmayan konularla ilgilidir.

3. The meaning of civil law is not always associated with a legal tradition. It can also be contrasted with criminal law.
- The meaning of civil law is not always associated with a legal tradition. It can also be contrasted with criminal law.
- Sivil hukukun anlamı her zaman hukuki bir gelenekle ilişkilendirilmez. Ayrıca ceza hukukuyla da karşılaştırılabilir.

4. Criminal law is the field of law that deals with crimes and their consequences.
- Criminal law is the field of law that deals with crimes and their consequences.
- Ceza hukuku, suçlarla ve sonuçlarıyla ilgilenen hukuk alanıdır.

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