Exercise 1. Expand the brackets. Form nouns. 1. The study calculated that replacing the consumption of weekly fruit

Exercise 1. Expand the brackets. Form nouns. 1. The study calculated that replacing the consumption of weekly fruit juice... with whole fruits could lead to health benefits. (consume) 2. For my birthday Mother baked a cake with yellow icing. (ice) 3. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are referred to as nutrition because they provide the energy your body needs. (nutrition) 4. Many women have to balance motherhood and a full-time job. (mother) 5. Arguments are inevitable when three individuals live under one roof. (argue, generate) 6. Her deep affection for her sister was apparent. (Chate) 7. Older individuals who live alone often require assistance with gardening.


1. The study calculated that replacing the consumption of weekly fruit juice with whole fruits could lead to health benefits. (consume)
Расчеты студии показали, что замена потребления еженедельного фруктового сока цельными фруктами может принести пользу для здоровья. (потребление)

2. For my birthday Mother baked a cake with yellow icing. (ice)
На мой день рождения мама испекла торт с желтым глазурью. (глазурь)

3. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are referred to as nutrition because they provide the energy your body needs. (nutrition)
Углеводы, белки и жиры называются питательными веществами, потому что они обеспечивают энергию, которая необходима вашему организму. (питание)

4. Many women have to balance motherhood and a full-time job. (mother)
Многим женщинам приходится балансировать материнство и полноценную работу. (материнство)

5. Arguments are inevitable when three individuals live under one roof. (argue, generate)
Споры неизбежны, когда три человека живут под одной крышей. (спорить, порождать)

6. Her deep affection for her sister was apparent. (Chate)
Ее глубокое привязанность к сестре было очевидно. (привязанность)
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