Crossing the Sahara: 1. Farini, the book of Michael Asher, is about a British explorer and the pioneer to traverse

Crossing the Sahara:

1. Farini, the book of Michael Asher, is about a British explorer and the pioneer to traverse the Sahara Desert solely with camels. Asher used to work as a police officer and then as a teacher. However, he had always aspired to become an explorer. Consequently, he decided to move to Africa and live with an African tribe, where he began studying their language. Eventually, he got married to an Italian woman named Mariantonietta Peru. Mariantonietta shared his passion for exploration, and together they planned a journey across the Sahara Desert, aiming to travel from west to east on foot and by camel. To prepare for this expedition, they underwent training.


to east. They spent several months preparing for the expedition, gathering supplies, and learning survival skills.

2. The journey began in the summer of 1986, starting from the city of Nouadhibou on the Atlantic coast of Mauritania. Asher and Mariantonietta set off with a caravan consisting of several camels loaded with water, food, and other necessary equipment. They also had a guide who was familiar with the desert routes.

3. The first leg of their journey took them through the barren and inhospitable terrain of the Western Sahara, facing scorching heat and sandstorms. They had to carefully manage their water supply and navigate using the stars during the night.

4. As they moved further east, they encountered challenges such as sand dunes and rocky terrains. The extreme temperatures during the day and freezing nights tested their endurance and resilience. They had to adapt their travel plans and route selection based on the conditions they encountered.

5. Along the way, Asher and Mariantonietta met various nomadic tribes and experienced the diverse cultures of the region. They learned about different customs, traditions, and survival techniques from the local people.

6. The journey lasted for several months, and they faced numerous obstacles and dangers, including sandstorms, dehydration, and the constant threat of bandits. However, their determination and skills helped them overcome these challenges.

7. Finally, after months of arduous travel, Asher and Mariantonietta reached their destination, the oasis town of El Oued in Algeria. They had successfully crossed the Sahara Desert from west to east, becoming the first people to do so entirely on camelback.

8. The crossing of the Sahara was a remarkable achievement for Asher and Mariantonietta, showcasing their courage, tenacity, and passion for exploration. Their story is a testament to the human spirit and the desire to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Note: This is a brief summary of the book "Crossing the Sahara" by Michael Asher. For a more detailed and comprehensive understanding, it is recommended to read the book itself.
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