Complete the sentence by using the past simple form of the verb in brackets. Then determine if each sentence is true

Complete the sentence by using the past simple form of the verb in brackets. Then determine if each sentence is true or false. Check the factual answers after finishing the exercise.

1. Did Greek actors wear masks and special boots?
2. Did Spartan children take baths only two or three times a year?
3. Did the philosopher Socrates drink poison and die?
4. Did Alexander the Great"s army go as far as China?
5. Did Heron of Alexandria create a type of jet engine?
6. Did the name of Roman Emperor Caligula mean "happy soldier"?
7. Did Roman mathematics not have zero?
8. Did most Roman girls get married at a young age?


Complete the sentence by using the past simple form of the verb in brackets. Then determine if each sentence is true or false. Check the factual answers after finishing the exercise.

1. Did Greek actors wear masks and special boots? (wear)
Ответ: Да, греческие актеры носили маски и особые ботинки.
Правда или ложь? Правда.

2. Did Spartan children take baths only two or three times a year? (take)
Ответ: Да, спартанские дети принимали ванны всего два или три раза в год.
Правда или ложь? Правда.

3. Did the philosopher Socrates drink poison and die? (drink, die)
Ответ: Да, философ Сократ выпил яд и умер.
Правда или ложь? Правда.

4. Did Alexander the Great"s army go as far as China? (go)
Ответ: Нет, армия Александра Великого не дошла до Китая.
Правда или ложь? Ложь.

5. Did Heron of Alexandria create a type of jet engine? (create)
Ответ: Да, Герон Александрийский создал тип реактивного двигателя.
Правда или ложь? Правда.

6. Did the name of Roman Emperor Caligula mean "happy soldier"? (mean)
Ответ: Нет, название римского императора Калигулы не означает "счастливый солдат".
Правда или ложь? Ложь.

7. Did Roman mathematics not have zero? (have)
Ответ: Нет, в римской математике был ноль.
Правда или ложь? Ложь.

8. Did most Roman girls ... (missing information)
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