Complete the questions by using the words provided in the box. Match the questions with their respective answers

Complete the questions by using the words provided in the box. Match the questions with their respective answers.


Конечно, я помогу вам с этим заданием!

Вот первая часть вопросов и ответов:

1. What is the capital of Russia?
- Moscow

2. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
- Leonardo da Vinci

3. What is the chemical symbol for gold?
- Au

4. Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?
- Australia

5. Who wrote "Romeo and Juliet"?
- William Shakespeare

6. What is the largest planet in our solar system?
- Jupiter

7. Who discovered penicillin?
- Alexander Fleming

8. What is the formula for the area of a rectangle?
- A = length × width

9. Which continent is known for its diverse wildlife, including kangaroos and koalas?
- Australia

10. What is the main gas responsible for causing global warming?
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Вот вторая часть вопросов и ответов:

1. What is the formula for the circumference of a circle?
- \(C = 2πr\) (где \(r\) - радиус круга)

2. Who wrote the play "Hamlet"?
- William Shakespeare

3. What is the symbol for the element oxygen?
- O

4. Where is the Taj Mahal located?
- India

5. Who discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head?
- Isaac Newton

6. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
- Mercury

7. Who invented the telephone?
- Alexander Graham Bell

8. What is the formula for the volume of a sphere?
- \(V = \frac{4}{3}πr^3\) (где \(r\) - радиус сферы)

9. Which continent is known for its Amazon rainforest?
- South America

10. What is the main gas responsible for photosynthesis in plants?
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)

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