Combine the phrases in exercise 1 with the invitations, using either the infinitive without to or the -ing form. Write

Combine the phrases in exercise 1 with the invitations, using either the infinitive without "to" or the -ing form. Write the first word of each phrase and include a social activity.


Хорошо, это задание по английскому языку, где нужно объединить фразы из упражнения 1 с приглашениями, используя инфинитив без "to" или форму с окончанием -ing. Необходимо написать первое слово каждой фразы и включить социальное мероприятие.

Упражнение 1:
1. I enjoy сycling.
2. She loves cooking.
3. We hate waking up early.
4. He prefers going to the gym.
5. They like playing board games.
6. My friend doesn"t mind watching movies.

1. Would you like to go сycling?
2. Do you fancy cooking together?
3. How about waking up early and going for a jog?
4. Will you join me in going to the gym?
5. Are you up for playing board games?
6. Would you be interested in watching a movie with me?

1. cycling - сycling (приглашение: Would you like to go сycling?)
2. cooking - cooking (приглашение: Do you fancy cooking together?)
3. waking - waking (приглашение: How about waking up early and going for a jog?)
4. going - going (приглашение: Will you join me in going to the gym?)
5. playing - playing (приглашение: Are you up for playing board games?)
6. watching - watching (приглашение: Would you be interested in watching a movie with me?)

Таким образом, сочетания фраз из упражнения 1 с приглашениями будут выглядеть следующим образом:
1. Would you like to go cycling?
2. Do you fancy cooking together?
3. How about waking up early and going for a jog?
4. Will you join me in going to the gym?
5. Are you up for playing board games?
6. Would you be interested in watching a movie with me?

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