Choose the appropriate option. Only one option is correct. I can still recall the initial occasion when I __1__

Choose the appropriate option. Only one option is correct. I can still recall the initial occasion when I __1__ Mr. Andrews, my former principal, __2__ __3__. During the war, I had been attending a school in the northern part of England, but my family had recently moved back to London. There were no available schools for children to attend, and my father had to visit multiple schools asking them __7__ __6__ to accept me as a pupil. I accompanied him, but he had __9__ difficult experiences trying to convince people __10__ him, which resulted in me rarely having to do __11__. We had visited all the schools __12__ we resided, but __13__ the more my father argued, the more it seemed impossible. Ultimately, we decided to go


Я могу помочь вам с этой задачей. В данном тексте, нам нужно выбрать правильный вариант для пропущенных слов. Я предоставлю варианты для каждого из пропущенных слов и объясню, почему выбраны конкретные варианты.

1. Choose the appropriate option for the word to complete the sentence: "I can still recall the initial occasion when I __1__ Mr. Andrews, my former principal, __2__ __3__."

a) met - встретил
b) saw - видел
c) visited - посетил
d) found - нашел

Правильный ответ: a) met - встретил.

Обоснование: "I can still recall the initial occasion when I met Mr. Andrews" - "Я до сих пор помню первый случай, когда я встретил г-на Андрюса."

2. Choose the appropriate option for the word to complete the sentence: "During the war, I had been attending a school in the northern part of England, but my family had recently moved back to London. There were no available schools for children to attend, and my father had to visit multiple schools asking them __7__ __6__ to accept me as a pupil."

a) tentatively - предварительно
b) desperately - отчаянно
c) strictly - строго
d) confidently - уверенно

Правильный ответ: b) desperately - отчаянно.

Обоснование: "my father had to visit multiple schools asking them desperately to accept me as a pupil" - "моему отцу пришлось посетить несколько школ, отчаянно просить их принять меня в качестве ученика."

3. Choose the appropriate option for the word to complete the sentence: "We had visited ____. "

a) any schools - любые школы
b) much schools - много школ
c) several schools - несколько школ
d) no schools - никаких школ

Правильный ответ: c) several schools - несколько школ.

Обоснование: "We had visited several schools" - "Мы посетили несколько школ."

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