Can you rewrite the following sentences using the causative form? Here is an example to guide you: Example

Can you rewrite the following sentences using the causative form? Here is an example to guide you:

Example: Meg had burglars break into her flat.
1. Gary had his motorcycle stolen from outside the disco.
2. The heavy rain caused the MacDoyles" basement to flood.
3. Robin had her friend tear her favorite dress.
4. Thomas had his little brother break his CD player.
5. Neil had his house struck by lightning.
6. A ball smashed Mary"s window.
7. A falling tree caused Charles" car to be damaged.


Конечно, я могу помочь вам переписать данные предложения, используя форму причинительного залога. Вот переписанные предложения:

1. Gary had someone steal his motorcycle from outside the disco. (Гэри заставил кого-то украсть его мотоцикл у дискотеки).
2. The MacDoyles had the heavy rain flood their basement. (МакДойлы заставили сильный дождь затопить их подвал).
3. Robin had her friend tear her favorite dress. (Робин заставила свою подругу порвать ее любимое платье).
4. Thomas had his little brother break his CD player. (Томас заставил своего младшего брата сломать его проигрыватель компакт-дисков).
5. Neil had his house struck by lightning. (Нил заставил молнию поразить его дом).
6. Mary had a ball smash her window. (Мэри заставила мяч разбить ее окно).
7. Charles had his car damaged by a falling tree. (Чарльз заставил падающее дерево повредить его машину).

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