Can you rephrase the following text: Look at the highlighted words or phrases in the text and guess their meaning

Can you rephrase the following text: "Look at the highlighted words or phrases in the text and guess their meaning. do,drink,drive,earn,eat,have(x2),know,live,spend, think,travel,work; Is this the typical British man? Statistics tell us that the typical British man is 40 years old, 1 lives in a house and is married with two children. He 2_ inore than 40 hours a week and 3 _about £25,000 a year. He 4_ between filty minutes and an hour to and from work every day.He 5_ a Ford car and he 6 _he is a good driver. The typical British man is overweight (he weighs about 82.5 kg) and he7_? less than 30 minutes exercise a week. He usually"

Can you rephrase the following text: "Look at the highlighted words or phrases in the text and guess their meaning. do,drink,drive,earn,eat,have(x2),know,live,spend, think,travel,work; Is this the typical British man? Statistics suggest that the typical British man is aged 40, 1 resides in a house, and is married with two children. He 2_ works for more than 40 hours per week and 3 _earns approximately £25,000 per annum. He 4_ commutes between fifty minutes and an hour to and from his workplace every day. He 5_ owns a Ford car and he 6 _considers himself a competent driver. The typical British man is overweight (weighing around 82.5 kg) and he 7_? engages in less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week. He typically"


"Изучите выделенные слова или фразы в тексте и догадайтесь, что они означают. делать, пить, водить машину, зарабатывать, есть, иметь (x2), знать, жить, тратить, думать, путешествовать, работать; Описывает ли это типичного британского мужчину? Статистика говорит нам, что типичный британский мужчина - это 40-летний человек, который 1_ живет в доме и состоит в браке с двумя детьми. Он 2_ работает более 40 часов в неделю и 3_ зарабатывает около £25,000 в год. Он 4_ тратит от 50 минут до часа каждый день на дорогу на работу и обратно. Он 5_ владеет автомобилем Форд и 6_ утверждает, что он хороший водитель. Типичный британский мужчина имеет избыточный вес (весит около 82,5 кг) и 7_? меньше чем"
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