C For questions 1-15, read the passage below and provide one word to fill in each gap. The 20th century has seen

C For questions 1-15, read the passage below and provide one word to fill in each gap. The 20th century has seen numerous remarkable advancements in technology, particularly in transportation. Before the invention of the steam engine in the 1820s, land transportation relied heavily on human or animal energy, and its effectiveness was influenced by the quality of the roads. Similarly, sea travel relied on the strength of muscles and unpredictable winds. The 19th century primarily depended on steam to propel trains and boats, which were utilized for the transportation of both goods and passengers. However, it was not until


and people. However, it was not until the 20th century that significant breakthroughs in transportation technology occurred.

The (1) _________ of the airplane marked a major milestone in the field of transportation. The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, successfully conducted the first powered flight in 1903. This groundbreaking achievement paved the way for the development of commercial aviation, allowing people to travel long distances in a relatively short amount of time.

Another significant development in transportation during the 20th century was the invention of the (2) ________ engine. This revolutionary technology replaced steam as the primary source of power in ships and allowed for faster and more efficient maritime transport. The diesel engine"s ability to burn fuel more cleanly and efficiently greatly improved transportation capabilities.

The (3) ________ of the automobile also played a crucial role in transforming transportation during the 20th century. With the mass production of cars, personal mobility became more accessible to the general public. The introduction of assembly line manufacturing, pioneered by Henry Ford, significantly lowered the cost of automobiles, making them affordable for a larger portion of the population.

Furthermore, the development of the (4) ________ railway system revolutionized land transportation. High-speed trains such as the TGV in France and the Shinkansen in Japan enabled people to travel at unprecedented speeds, connecting distant cities and regions. This not only facilitated tourism and trade but also contributed to the overall economic development of these countries.

The (5) ________ of the internet in the late 20th century also had a profound impact on the way people communicate and access information, indirectly influencing transportation. The ability to connect globally and exchange information in real-time led to the rise of ride-sharing services and navigation apps, transforming how people navigate cities and plan their journeys.

In conclusion, the 20th century witnessed remarkable advancements in transportation technology. The invention of the airplane, diesel engine, automobile, modern railway systems, and the internet all contributed to making transportation faster, more efficient, and more accessible to people around the world.

1. invention
2. diesel
3. mass
4. modern
5. advent
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