b Linda was extremely tardy, prompting her to sprint to the station

b Linda was extremely tardy, prompting her to sprint to the station.


Linda was late and she had to run to the station. Let"s break down the problem and discuss the steps to solve it.

1. Identify the information given:
- Linda was extremely tardy.
- She had to sprint to the station.

2. Analyze the problem:
Linda"s extreme lateness suggests that she didn"t have much time to get to the station. The fact that she had to sprint implies that she had to run fast.

3. Generate possible solutions:
- Linda could have left her house late, causing her to be tardy.
- There could have been unexpected delays or obstacles on the way.

4. Evaluate each solution:
- If Linda left her house late, she could have avoided being tardy by waking up earlier or planning her morning routine more efficiently.
- If there were unexpected delays, Linda might not have been able to predict or control them.

5. Choose the most likely solution:
Based on the given information, it seems more likely that Linda simply left her house late. However, without additional details, it is challenging to determine the exact reason for her lateness.

This problem doesn"t require any mathematical calculations or formulas. It involves critical thinking and analyzing the given information.

Remember, it"s important to always be punctual and manage time effectively to avoid being tardy.
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