B Complete the story with a collocation from A in the correct form. Jim Yelland 1 lost interest in school when

B Complete the story with a collocation from A in the correct form. Jim Yelland 1 lost interest in school when he was around 11 or 12. During primary school, he was an attentive student. He paid attention in class and consistently completed his homework. He performed well academically and received good grades, but his parents never showed interest in his efforts and eventually he lost motivation. In secondary school, he completely gave up. He didn"t follow the rules and got into trouble repeatedly. He repeatedly violated the rules, and he faced disciplinary issues again and again. He skipped school for two or three days at a time. Eventually, he faced suspension from school for a month. However, one individual truly appeared


classes and often failed to hand in assignments. As a result, his academic performance suffered greatly.

Jim"s lack of interest in school continued until he stumbled upon a book that sparked his curiosity and ignited a newfound passion for learning. It was a book about ancient civilizations and their mysteries. Once he started reading it, he couldn"t put it down. He delved into the world of archaeology, history, and anthropology.

This newfound interest in the subject matter led Jim to actively seek out more books, documentaries, and online resources. He firmly believed that knowledge is power, and he wanted to uncover the secrets of the past.

With his newfound motivation, Jim began to immerse himself in his classes. He actively participated in discussions, asked thought-provoking questions, and eagerly completed his assignments. His teachers noticed the change in his attitude and praised his efforts.

Jim"s dedication paid off, and he started to excel academically once again. He regained his confidence and saw the value in education. His parents, seeing the transformation in Jim, began to show interest and support his learning endeavors. They started engaging in discussions about history and ancient civilizations, fostering a positive and supportive environment for him.

As Jim progressed through secondary school, his passion for history only grew stronger. He even joined extracurricular activities that allowed him to explore this field further. He participated in history clubs, visited museums and historical sites, and even competed in regional history competitions.

In the end, Jim"s journey from losing interest in school to becoming a passionate history enthusiast demonstrates the power of finding a subject that truly resonates with an individual. It shows that with the right support and motivation, anyone can overcome their struggles and reignite their thirst for knowledge.
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