Amy is currently writing a blog for her friends and family during her travels in Australia. Please use the correct verb

Amy is currently writing a blog for her friends and family during her travels in Australia. Please use the correct verb forms from the given list to complete the following extract. Use present simple, present continuous, past simple, or past continuous tenses as appropriate.

I am currently writing this blog in a hotel room in Perth. I arrived here a couple of hours ago after a long coach journey from Adelaide. I"m feeling pretty tired, so this post will be short before I go to sleep. As you know, I spent last week in Adelaide with Ruby.



В данный момент я пишу этот блог в гостиничном номере в Перте. Я прибыл сюда пару часов назад после долгой автобусной поездки из Аделаиды. Я чувствую себя довольно усталым, поэтому этот пост будет коротким, прежде чем я лягу спать. Как вы знаете, я провел прошлую неделю в Аделаиде вместе с Руби.
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