All these colleges together ________ the university of Cambridge. A take up C set up B make up D bring up Great

All these colleges together ________ the university of Cambridge. A take up C set up B make up D bring up

Great emphasis is ________ Oxford and Cambridge on what are called ‘tutorials’. A given C laid B brought D made

A tutor gives instruction in his study at least once a week to students numbering not more than four. A personal C private B personnel D self

My sister lives in a distant suburb, but she never seems to be ________. A lonely, lonely C alone, lonely B alone, alone D lonely, alone

She was ________ the University and granted


All these colleges together make up the university of Cambridge.

Объединенные все эти колледжи создают университет Кембридж.

Great emphasis is placed on Oxford and Cambridge on what are called "tutorials".

Около Оксфорда и Кембриджа ставится большое значение на так называемые "туториалы".

A tutor gives instruction in his study at least once a week to students numbering not more than four.

Наставник дает инструкции в своей кабинете не менее одного раза в неделю студентам, число которых не превышает четырех.

My sister lives in a distant suburb, but she never seems to be lonely or alone.

Моя сестра живет в далеком пригороде, но она никогда не кажется одинокой или в одиночестве.

She was admitted to the University and granted a scholarship.

Ей было принято в университет и ей предоставили стипендию.
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