a) Using your notebooks, fill in the blanks with the names of the countries. Example: 1) Misaki is from Japan

a) Using your notebooks, fill in the blanks with the names of the countries. Example: 1) Misaki is from Japan. 1) Misaki is from 2) Aktan and Akylai are from 3) Guang is from 4) Elliot is from 5) Kristina and Andrei are from 6) Austin is from 7) Alicia is from 8) Antonio is from 9) Dedrick is from 10) Erol and Zeynep are from 11) Aisha is from 12) Elena is from​



Для решения данной задачи, нам необходимо заполнить пропущенные места названиями стран, из которых люди происходят. Давайте посмотрим на каждое утверждение по отдельности:

1) Misaki is from Japan. [Japan]
2) Aktan and Akylai are from [Kyrgyzstan].
3) Guang is from [China].
4) Elliot is from [Canada].
5) Kristina and Andrei are from [Russia].
6) Austin is from [United States].
7) Alicia is from [Spain].
8) Antonio is from [Italy].
9) Dedrick is from [Jamaica].
10) Erol and Zeynep are from [Turkey].
11) Aisha is from [Egypt].
12) Elena is from [Ukraine].

Надеюсь, это поможет вам заполнить пропущенные места. Если у вас возникнут ещё вопросы, не стесняйтесь задавать!
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