A smokejumper’s job is ………. than an artist’s. * more dangerous A smokejumper’s job is more dangerous than an artist’s

A smokejumper’s job is ………. than an artist’s.
* more dangerous A smokejumper’s job is more dangerous than an artist’s.

How often ………. to the gym?
* do you go How often do you go to the gym?

Mike ……… nervous whenever he goes for a job interview.
* feels Mike feels nervous whenever he goes for a job interview.

They were tired because they ………. well the night before.
* hadn"t slept They were tired because they hadn"t slept well the night before.

Kate ………. play the flute as a child.
* used to Kate used to play the flute as a child.

My flight to Paris ………. tomorrow morning.
* leaves My flight to Paris leaves tomorrow morning.

There are some … in the garden.
* leaves There are some leaves in the garden.

If Nigel ………. a lifejacket
* were If Nigel were a lifejacket.


My flight to Paris leaves tomorrow morning.
Мой рейс в Париж вылетает завтра утром.

To elaborate on the answer and provide a step-by-step explanation, let"s break it down:

The sentence is asking for the missing word or phrase that completes the sentence in a grammatically correct way. In each case, we need to choose the correct word(s) that fit logically.

1. A smokejumper"s job is ………. than an artist"s.
Here, we need to choose a word that compares the level of danger between a smokejumper"s job and an artist"s job. The correct answer is "more dangerous". This word indicates that the level of danger in a smokejumper"s job is higher than that in an artist"s job.

2. How often ………. to the gym?
In this question, we need to complete the sentence with the correct question form. The most appropriate choice is "do you go". This form is used to ask about the frequency of an action or behavior. So, the complete question is "How often do you go to the gym?"

3. Mike ……… nervous whenever he goes for a job interview.
In this sentence, we need to choose a verb that agrees with the subject "Mike" and indicates his feeling. The correct answer is "feels". So, the completed sentence is "Mike feels nervous whenever he goes for a job interview."

4. They were tired because they ………. well the night before.
To complete this sentence, we need to choose a verb in the past tense that indicates a lack of sleep. The correct answer is "hadn"t slept". This verb form expresses that they did not sleep well the night before, leading to their tiredness. So, the complete sentence is "They were tired because they hadn"t slept well the night before."

5. Kate ………. play the flute as a child.
Here, we need to choose a phrase that indicates an action that Kate used to do in the past but no longer does. The correct choice is "used to play". This phrase implies that Kate played the flute as a child but doesn"t anymore. So, the complete sentence is "Kate used to play the flute as a child."

6. My flight to Paris ………. tomorrow morning.
The sentence is asking for the correct verb form to describe the action of the flight. The most suitable choice is "leaves". This verb indicates that the flight will depart or take off tomorrow morning. So, the complete sentence is "My flight to Paris leaves tomorrow morning."
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