A: Hello, Nic. You don t appear to be in a good mood. What s the matter? B: Oh, hello, Liz. There s nothing wrong

A: Hello, Nic. You don"t appear to be in a good mood. What"s the matter?
B: Oh, hello, Liz. There"s nothing wrong.
A: Come on, Nic. I"ve known you since we were children. I can sense that something is bothering you.
B: Well... it"s Jo. I can"t tolerate being around her anymore.
A: What? I thought you two were getting along so well.
B: We were. But then we had an argument a few days ago.
A: About what?
B: I"m not sure – just minor things really. And my involvement in rugby. She doesn"t approve of it.
A: How frequently do you play?
B: Every Saturday – and we have training sessions three evenings a week.
A: Ah, now I comprehend!


раза в неделю.
A: I see. So, Jo doesn"t like the fact that you play rugby and it caused an argument between you two. It"s understandable that you feel upset about this situation. Let"s try to find a solution. First, it"s important to communicate with Jo and have an honest conversation with her. Explain to her why rugby is important to you and how it brings you joy and fulfillment. Share your feelings and concerns about her disapproval. Maybe she has some misunderstandings or concerns of her own that need to be addressed.
B: Yes, that"s a good idea. I"ll talk to her and try to explain my point of view. But what if she still doesn"t understand or accept it?
A: If that happens, it"s important to remember that you can"t control how others perceive or accept your choices. However, you have the right to pursue your interests and passions as long as they don"t harm anyone. It might be helpful to involve a trusted adult, like a teacher or a counselor, who can mediate the conversation and provide guidance.
B: That"s a good suggestion. I"ll talk to my school counselor and see if they can help us resolve this issue. Thank you for your advice, Liz.
A: You"re welcome, Nic. Remember that open communication and understanding are key in resolving conflicts. I hope everything works out for you and Jo. If you need any further help, feel free to reach out.
B: Thank you, Liz. I appreciate your support.
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