8. Examine the conversation between Aigul and Tom. Fill in the blanks with a/an, the, or zero article

8. Examine the conversation between Aigul and Tom. Fill in the blanks with a/an, the, or zero article.


Очень хорошо, я с радостью помогу вам с этой задачей. Давайте взглянем на диалог между Айгул и Томом и заполним пропуски.

Aigul: Hi Tom! How was ___ school today?
Tom: It was okay. I had ___ interesting lesson in ___ history class.
Aigul: Oh really? What did you learn about?
Tom: We learned about ___ ancient civilizations. It was quite fascinating.
Aigul: That sounds interesting! Did you have ___ homework to do for that class?
Tom: Yes, we had ___ reading assignment about ___ Roman Empire.
Aigul: Did you finish it?
Tom: No, I couldn"t find ___ book in ___ library, so I"ll have to do it later.
Aigul: Don"t worry, I"m sure you"ll find ___ book soon.
Tom: Thanks Aigul, I hope so too!

Теперь давайте заполним пробелы:
Aigul: Hi Tom! How was school today?
Tom: It was okay. I had an interesting lesson in the history class.
Aigul: Oh really? What did you learn about?
Tom: We learned about ancient civilizations. It was quite fascinating.
Aigul: That sounds interesting! Did you have any homework to do for that class?
Tom: Yes, we had a reading assignment about the Roman Empire.
Aigul: Did you finish it?
Tom: No, I couldn"t find the book in the library, so I"ll have to do it later.
Aigul: Don"t worry, I"m sure you"ll find the book soon.
Tom: Thanks Aigul, I hope so too!

В данном диалоге мы используем an перед словом "interesting", потому что "interesting lesson" начинается на гласную букву. Мы используем "the" перед "history class", потому что тут имеется в виду конкретный предмет "the history class". Также, в контексте разговора, мы используем "the" перед "ancient civilizations", "reading assignment" и "Roman Empire", так как общеизвестно, о чем говорится. Мы используем "a" перед "reading assignment", потому что "reading assignment" - это нечто конкретное и неизвестное. Выражение "the book" используется, потому что речь идет о конкретной книге в "the library".
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