8. Complete the sentence using the new worde. 1. Where are you planning to h_this picture? 2. I m not sure

8. Complete the sentence using the new worde.

1. Where are you planning to h_this picture?
2. I"m not sure of the location of Burns"s K. From where was he b 7?
3. His d to the family is widely known; he was a remarkable father.
4. Refrain from boasting about your success, bem.
5. Isn"t he an amazing little boy! He has a vast vocabulary of English words.
6. Joe regards me as a clever and honest man.
7. Russia and Britain have a long history of t.
8. Children from Pous families usually receive a better education.
9. Those green hills appear quite picturesque. Let"s capture them in a photo.
10. They"ll be arriving tomorrow! What an exciting piece of news!


1. Where are you planning to hang this picture? - Где ты планируешь повесить эту картину?
2. I"m not sure of the location of Burns"s birth. From where was he born? - Я не уверен в месте рождения Бернса. Откуда он родом?
3. His dedication to the family is widely known; he was a remarkable father. - Его преданность семье широко известна; он был замечательным отцом.
4. Refrain from boasting about your success, please. - Пожалуйста, воздержись от хвастовства своими успехами.
5. Isn"t he an amazing little boy! He has a vast vocabulary of English words. - Неужели он не удивительный маленький мальчик! У него обширный словарный запас английских слов.
6. Joe regards me as a clever and honest man. - Джо считает меня умным и честным человеком.
7. Russia and Britain have a long history of trade. - Россия и Великобритания имеют долгую историю торговли.
8. Children from prosperous families usually receive a better education. - Дети из благополучных семей обычно получают лучшее образование.
9. Those green hills appear quite picturesque. Let"s capture them in a photo. - Те зеленые холмы выглядят весьма живописно. Давайте сделаем их фотографию.
10. The teacher will distribute the worksheets to the students. - Учитель раздаст рабочие листы ученикам.
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