77А. Rewrite the sentences by adding the missing punctuation marks. Underline the grammatical foundations and denote

77А. Rewrite the sentences by adding the missing punctuation marks. Underline the grammatical foundations and denote conjunctions graphically. Indicate whether the sentences are simple or compound. Explain the placement of punctuation marks in them. 1. The song would soar zestfully and loudly, then flow again with a monotonous melody. (M. Auezov) 2. On the top of the birch tree, the cuckoo loudly cuckoos and, as if chocked, suddenly falls silent. (I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov) 3. And beyond the highway, there began a pure and frequent cluster of forget-me-nots, a tumultuous river Almatinka. Above it, amidst the foam and rain, nothing rings but whispers something soothing and barely noticeable.


Здравствуйте! Спасибо за предоставленную задачу. Вот пошаговое решение для каждого предложения:

1. Предложение: The song would soar zestfully and loudly, then flow again with a monotonous melody. (M. Auezov)
- Здесь у нас простое предложение.
- Добавим пропущенные знаки пунктуации:
- Добавляем запятую после слова "loudly": The song would soar zestfully and loudly, then flow again with a monotonous melody.
- Добавим точку в конце предложения: The song would soar zestfully and loudly, then flow again with a monotonous melody.
- Обозначим союзы графически: The song would soar zestfully and loudly, then flow again with a monotonous melody.
- Грамматические основы подчеркнем: The song would soar zestfully and loudly, then flow again with a monotonous melody.

2. Предложение: On the top of the birch tree, the cuckoo loudly cuckoos and, as if chocked, suddenly falls silent. (I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov)
- Здесь у нас также простое предложение.
- Добавим пропущенные знаки пунктуации:
- Добавляем запятую после слова "tree": On the top of the birch tree, the cuckoo loudly cuckoos and, as if chocked, suddenly falls silent.
- Добавим запятую после слова "cuckoos": On the top of the birch tree, the cuckoo loudly cuckoos, and, as if chocked, suddenly falls silent.
- Добавим точку в конце предложения: On the top of the birch tree, the cuckoo loudly cuckoos, and, as if chocked, suddenly falls silent.
- Обозначим союзы графически: On the top of the birch tree, the cuckoo loudly cuckoos, and, as if chocked, suddenly falls silent.
- Грамматические основы подчеркнем: On the top of the birch tree, the cuckoo loudly cuckoos, and, as if chocked, suddenly falls silent.

3. Предложение: And beyond the highway, there began a pure and frequent cluster of forget-me-nots, a tumultuous river Almatinka. Above
- Здесь у нас составное предложение.
- Добавим пропущенные знаки пунктуации:
- Добавляем запятую после слова "highway": And beyond the highway, there began a pure and frequent cluster of forget-me-nots, a tumultuous river Almatinka.
- Добавляем точку в конце первого предложения: And beyond the highway, there began a pure and frequent cluster of forget-me-nots, a tumultuous river Almatinka.
- Добавим запятую после слова "Almatinka": And beyond the highway, there began a pure and frequent cluster of forget-me-nots, a tumultuous river Almatinka.
- Добавим точку в конце предложения: And beyond the highway, there began a pure and frequent cluster of forget-me-nots, a tumultuous river Almatinka.
- Обозначим союзы графически: And beyond the highway, there began a pure and frequent cluster of forget-me-nots, a tumultuous river Almatinka.
- Грамматические основы подчеркнем: And beyond the highway, there began a pure and frequent cluster of forget-me-nots, a tumultuous river Almatinka.

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